Email: [email protected]
Phone: (937) 644-6020
Choir Resources can be accessed here.
Information about our pipe organ can be viewed here.
The St. Gregory the Great Choristers is the primary choir at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. Any adult is welcome to sing with us. No ability to read music is required, though it will be helpful in preparing for our Masses. We rehearse Wednesdays in the church from 7:00-8:30pm. We sing at the 9:00 Mass on Sunday, and we rotate to another Mass time once per month. The Choristers also sing for Christmas, the Sacred Triduum, Holy Days of Obligation, Confirmation, First Communion, and other Masses throughout the church year as needed. If you feel called to serve our parish in song, please consider joining us. Contact Richard Jeric with any questions.
To view a list of the repertoire we have sung at Mass since 2022, visit the Choir Repertoire page.
Pope from 590-604, St. Gregory the Great is the namesake for Gregorian Chant, the traditional music of the Catholic Church. He is the patron saint of musicians, singers, teachers, and students. St. Gregory the Great, pray for us!
The St. John Paul II Youth Choir is open to all youth in grades 7-12. No ability to read music is needed. We seek youth with an enthusiasm for musical worship in the Mass. We rehearse Tuesdays in the church from 7:00-8:00pm, and we sing once per month at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday. Those who play instruments are welcome and encouraged to join. Contact Richard Jeric with any questions.
One of the longest-serving pontiffs in history (1978-2005), St. John Paul II left a lasting imprint on the modern Catholic Church. A lover of youth, he founded World Youth Day in 1985, and it has continued to grow since his death. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI, and canonized by Pope Francis. He is the patron saint of young Catholics and families. St. John Paul II, pray for us!
The St. Cecilia Cherubs welcome any child in grades 1-6 to sing with us. No ability to read music is required. We rehearse Sundays in the church from 1:00-1:45pm, and we sing once per month at the 9:00 Mass. If your child loves to sing, please consider allowing them to be part of this ministry. Contact Richard Jeric with any questions.
St. Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians, church music, and poets, and she is frequently depicted with an organ due to this patronage. St. Cecilia, pray for us!
The St. Lazarus Resurrection Choir offers support to those mourning the loss of a loved one through music at the Mass for Christian Burial. The choir does not rehearse but only convenes at these Masses as needed. If interested in being part of this ministry, please contact Richard Jeric. Emails will be sent out to the members of this choir prior to any funeral.
St. Lazarus of Bethany, brother of Martha and Mary and friend of Jesus, is raised from the dead in the Gospel of St. John after being in the tomb for four days. One of the shortest verses in the entire Bible is included in this miracle: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). Jesus is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25), but even He felt the pain of loss at the death of His friend. May we find comfort in Jesus’ mourning, knowing that He has conquered death and hoping for a share in His resurrection. St. Lazarus, who was raised from the dead, pray for us! Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, pray for us!
Anyone who feels called to be one of our St. Hildegard Cantors should contact Richard Jeric. Though a cantor’s primary role is to encourage the congregation to pray through song at the Mass, a cantor should feel confident to sing alone, especially the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. Rehearsals are arranged during the week or immediately prior to their assigned Mass, and the schedule is made one month in advance.
St. Hildegard was a scientist, medical practitioner, writer, and philosopher in addition to being a prolific composer and poet. She is one of only four women to be named a Doctor of the Church, and she is the patron saint of musicians and writers. St. Hildegard, pray for us!