"We [bishops] understand the pain of those for whom divorce seemed the only recourse...We urge them to make frequent use of the sacraments, especially the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation…We encourage divorced persons who wish to marry in the Catholic Church to seek counsel about the options that exist to remedy their situation, including the suitability of a declaration of nullity when there is no longer any hope of reconciliation of the spouses."
--USCCB, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, 2009
The Marriage Tribunal ministry is one part of the Church’s effort to express the mercy of Christ by offering hope and healing for those who suffer the consequences of broken marriages. Contact Fr. Kavanagh in the parish office to begin discussing this difficult process. You can also visit the Marriage Tribunal website for the Diocese of Columbus or the Annulment website for the USCCB for more information.